June 8: Daily Bible Reading/Quiz

365 Quizzes



Daily Quiz: Job 24-28

Daily Quiz: Job 24-28

Job 24-28, ERV (5 questions)

1. 4 How then can man be in the right before God? How can he who is born of woman be _____?

Job 25:4,ESV

a. imperfect
b. pure
c. wise


2. 3 How you have counseled him who has no _____, and plentifully declared sound knowledge!

Job 26:3,ESV

a. purity
b. sanity
c. wisdom


3. 12 "But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man does not know its worth, and it is not found in the ________.

Job 28:12-13,ESV

a. land of the dying
b. land of the living
c. land of the spirit


4. 20 "From where, then, does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? 21 It is hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the air. 22 Abaddon and Death say, 'We have heard ______ with our ears.'

Job 28:20-22,ESV

a. it lies with God
b. it is kept secret
c. a rumor of it


5. 28 And he said to man, 'Behold, the _____, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.'"

Job 28:28,ESV

a. fear of the Lord
b. visions given by God
c. words of the wise



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