February 7: Daily Bible Reading/Quiz

365 Quizzes



Daily Quiz: Leviticus 19-21

Daily Quiz: Leviticus 19-21

Leviticus 19-21, ESV (19 questions)

1. For how long could one eat from a fellowship offering before it was unclean?

Lev 19:5-7,ERV

a. 1 day
b. 2 days
c. 3 days


2. Under God's law, was it a sin for a poor person to come onto someone else's vineyard and pick their grain or grapes?

Lev 19:9-10,ERV

a. yes
b. no


3. Under God's law, was it okay for a judge to show special favor to important people?

Lev 19:15,ERV

a. yes
b. no


4. Under God's law, was it okay to mate 2 different kinds of animals?

Lev 19:19,ERV

a. yes
b. no


5. Under God's law, was it okay to wear clothing made from 2 different kinds of material, mixed together?

Lev 19:19,ERV

a. yes
b. no


6. Under God's law, was it okay to plant your field with 2 different kinds of seed?

Lev 19:19,ERV

a. yes
b. no


7. Under God's law, after you planted a fruit tree, how many years did you have to wait before you could eat the fruit from the tree?

Lev 19:23-25,ERV

a. 1
b. 3
c. 5


8. Under God's law, was it okay for a man to cut his beard?

Lev 19:27,ERV

a. yes
b. no


9. Under God's law, was it okay to get a tattoo?

Lev 19:28,ERV

a. yes
b. no


10. Which rules/commands of God's law did he say were the most important to obey?

Lev 19:37,ERV

a. the 10 commandments
b. most of them
c. all of them


11. And if the people of the land do at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to ______, and do not put him to death, 5 then I will set my face against that man and against his clan and will cut them off from among their people, him and all who follow him in whoring after ______.

Lev 20:4-5,ERV

a. Baal
b. Molech
c. Satan


12. What was to happen to a child who cursed his mother or father?

Lev 20:9,ERV

a. He was to bring a guilt offering to the priest.
b. He was to be killed


13. Under God's law, was it okay for a priest to marry a woman who had previously had sexual relations with another man?

Lev 21:7,ERV

a. yes
b. no


14. Under God's law, what must be done to a priest's daughter who becomes a prostitute?

Lev 21:9,ERV

a. burned in a fire
b. stoned to death
c. hung from a tree


15. Under God's law, was it okay for a high priest to show sadness in public?

Lev 21:10,ERV

a. yes
b. no


16. Under God's law, was a high priest commanded to keep away from all dead bodies, including his own mother's and father's?

Lev 21:11,ERV

a. yes
b. no


17. Under God's law, was it okay for a priest to get married to a widow?

Lev 21:13,ERV

a. yes, because her husband was dead
b. no, she must be a virgin


18. Under God's law, who was banned from serving as a priest?

Lev 21:18-20,ERV

a. men who were crippled
b. men who had a bad scar on their face
c. men who were dwarfs
d. men who were cross-eyed
e. men who had crushed testicles
f. all of the above


19. Under God's law, why could someone not serve as priest if something was physically wrong with them?

Lev 21:23,ERV

a. they would make God's holy places unholy
b. they could not do the work as well
c. the bible doesn't say


   This quiz has been checked
   for accuracy by Tia Graff


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